Thanks.  Good to know.  I have obviously been hampering myself unnecessarily.

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> Jeff, I have fat32 drives and i save onto them from linux.  i have not had any 
>problems other than one little thing....  when i run norton disk doctor on my fat 
>drives, if i have written to that drive from linux i will get "invalid date or time" 
>error on some of the files on that drive.  i'm guessing this relates to the way in 
>which dos & linux write the date/time information.....  but it seems to do no 
>harm.....  i assume then you have fat16, yes??  i'd say just make a directory in 
>win/dos, then go in linux, write a bunch of files into that directory, then go back 
>to win/dos & see if they are ok.  i'm 99% sure they will be fine.  after all, don't 
>floppys still format fat16 under dos/win??  i think they do, and i can write to a 
>floppy just fine.
> Adrian Smith
> 'de telepone dude
> Telecom Dept.
> x 7042
> >>> Jeff Malka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 5:46:45 PM 10/13/00 >>>
> It was my understanding that even though Linux could be setup to read and copy
> files from fat (dos) partitions by mounting them, it was not wise to write back
> to these fat partitions from within linux.  Yet I read messages about doing
> that, I believe through fat32?
> My fat partitions are not fat32.  Can I or cn I not save files to these
> partitions from linux?  As I live more and more in linus it becomes important
> not only to access my data files from the fat p;artitions but also to save
> changes made back to those fat partitions.  Safe or no?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Jeff Malka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Registered Linux User 348854
Registered Linux User 348854

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