Well, there's Galeon, gnome browser which needs GTK and Mozilla M17+ to run.  The 
only other option I can see if waiting for KDE2 and give Konqueror a try.  I am pretty 
sure that Opera will be a pay for program.


On Sat, 14 Oct 2000 09:02:27   Larry Marshall wrote:
>> I understand that Opera has released the beta of version 4.0. If you're
>> braver than I am, you may wish to give it a try. If so, keep us posted.
>> -- Carroll (not a Netscape fan)
>Is there anyone who's a Netscape fan (grin)?  It still holds the title as
>being the only application capable of crashing my Linux system and it
>kills itself on a regular basis.
>What are the smart people using?  While I haven't gotten Opera's rpms to 
>open up, finding out that it's not an open source product has cooled my
>thoughts of using it.  Is there life without Nutscape?  
>Cheers --- Larry

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