> No, I'm the owner of .kderc, .kde/ and its files and subdirectories.
> On the other hand, there isn't a straightforward relationship between
> the .kde/share/applnk and the menus. There's a .kde/share/applnk/John
> subdirectory which is named Gnome in the menus (there's no "John"

It's unclear why you should have a "John" directory in the mix.  Since
.kde/share/applnk is derived from your home directory, there is no need to
make user distinctions in the directory chain.

> Maybe it's not wise to move the applnk files around, perhaps kmenus
> can't handle that properly (although the help-file indicates
> otherwise). I could try pruning the kde menu again, see if it works
> this time. Just hope this doesn't make the mess even worse.

It sounds like the directory structure has somehow gotten muddied.  I
don't use the KDE menus enough to modify them.  I've got a few icons on
the kpanel (also controlled in that same directory tree) but that's about

Cheers --- Larry

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