I'm afraid I'm new to the whole thing and don't understand the use of
the /home partition. I'm not using any networked stuff, I just want to
allow myself to run linux there will only be 1/2 users at most. So what
should I store in /home rather than /?

I'm afraid I wasn't to clear about grub. Grub runs ok, if I select
windows it boots windows fine but selecting linux or failsafe just bring
up a couple of lines of text.



> I thiink you've managed to confuse your partition scheme. Typically, the
> best way to prepare a linux drive, especially for the distros you mention,
> is to have the following partitions:
> /boot   16MB+
> swap    (twice your RAM size)
> /           500MB+
> /home   500MB+
> The / and /home directories need to be adjusted depending on what it is you
> are installing. The OS and all necessary apps go into / and anything you
> install afterward should be installed to ~/home (your user directory). The
> /boot partition can be a little larger depending on how many different
> kernels you wih to store there, but I would not exceed 100MB--there's just
> no reason to.
> You may have confused lilo/grub during one of your installs, and
> accidentally removed it from the MBR, placing onto the / partition. In this
> case, it may not know where to look for itself, or your BIOS doesn't see a
> boot utility.
> If you don't have much invested in these installs, you may wish to consider
> formatting the drive, and starting over with a careful plan. otherwise, you
> may want to try doing an upgrade of one of the distros, and selecting to put
> lilo or grub in the MBR during the upgrade. Afterward you can fuss with tell
> the boot utility where the other distro(s) exists.
> --Greg
> ----- Original Message -----
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have had a lot of trouble installing linux and booting it. I tried red
> > hat 6.2 and mandrake 7.0 to nbo avail. Mandrake 7.1 works though - maybe
> > something to do with grub? I have two linux partitions on my hd (both
> > logical not primary) the first is mounted as / and is under the 1024
> > cylinder limit the other is /usr and is past the 1024th cylinder. After
> > installing a new dvd drive (samsung 608) and soundcard (live 1024) Linux
> > refused to boot. Now when I select linux from grub I get a couple of
> > lines of text and nothing happens. I made a few changes to the bios
> > settings at the same time - could these have any affect? Or are my
> > partitions wrong because at the same time I created another linux
> > partion (the second one) and tried to mount it.
> >
> > I have reinstalled mandrake 7.1 about 10 times now but always the same
> > problems. Any suggestions would be really useful.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Alex Hopson
> >
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