> and felt the need to answer this. I guess you could say that I am a Netscape 
> fan -- I use Netscape 4.75 with Mandrake 7.1 on a DSL (yes I have an 

Did you find the 4.73 ->4.75 upgrade to be worth the effort?

> excellent firewall ;-) ) and only when I am doing about 10,000 things at once 
> does it freeze up on me and not nearly as often as when I used it on Windoze. 

Well...when the operating system helps.... :-)

> my info so I am kind of stuck -- Mozilla didn't work with them and I haven't 

I've been using Mozilla M18 tonight and while it hasn't crashed, it's a
bit sluggish at times.  Haven't played with it enough to evaluate yet.  It
certainly looks like it's got potential but it also shows its Netscape
roots.  Whether that's good or bad is a personal thing I suppose.   

> tried Opera yet but am certainly willing to give it a try. 

Well...I'm in love with the way Opera lets me manage/access
bookmarks.  Unfortunately, I'm going to have to wait until it gets a bit
farther into the beta stream as it dies (gracefully) WAY too often and
some things just don't seem to work as they obviously should.  Lots of
potential here though. 

> I also use the Star Office browser which is pretty good too -- not for work <sigh> 
>but for 
> my browsing needs.

that I never did.  I was so discouraged by the _do it all in one place_
"feature" of Star Office that I've dumped it.    
> Have a wonderful day :-)

You too Patti...welcome back.

Cheers --- Larry

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