> It's my feeling that there is some kind of randomizer running within the
> list server is responsible for the famous duplicate messages. If it

I haven't heard of such things.  Is this done for "fun?"
> makes you feel any better, I don't recall getting any of your messages
> more than once, but tonight I've gotten several of them from Dennis

I do think that I've sent some dups that would show up for the person I
was responding to as my transition to Pine has had me saying yes to "reply
to all" which is sending a copy to the person as well to the list.  Anyone
who filters this list using the [newbie] in the subject would see two
copies in their newbie folder.  

> When I first joined, the duplicate messages really annoyed me, and I
> thought about posting a suggestion that some of these folks should give
> serious thought to cutting down on the coffee. Later, however, I learned

Lately it's been a real problem for me as I've been seeing (and I may be
generating them) dups on everything.  Strangely, it all stopped this
afternoon for some reason.  

> to accept it as part of the charm of Mandrake Linux. Persons unlike me;

This may be the way the list is setup up or the way mailers are set up,
but that we can blame Linux for this one.    

Cheers --- Larry

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