So very true.

You can also purchase cans of compressed air that are designed for such 
things as blowing away dirt in tight places like the insides of a computer.

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000 10:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> hmm well i have done many things with my system and i have lived just about
> everywhere, i never had one over heat, but one thing i do is take the cover
> off every 2 weeks or so im usually upgrading it anyway, and take a small
> amount of air pressure usually a balloon with a small tube on the end to
> restrict air flow and blow the dust out, or use a compressor but with
> liitle pressure it helps keep things clean from circuit problems like
> intermittent shorts, in the navy we have to pull our equipment apart and
> make sure everything is clean from dust grease etc. youd be surprised at
> how well problems are less likely to occur if you clean the hardware

Sridhar Dhanapalan
        "One World, One Web, One Programme" - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
        "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer" - Adolf Hitler

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