MP3 files can be streamed only (AFAIK) if the end-user has streaming MP3 
support. This is often done via a browser plugin like Plugger (Linux/Unix) or 
NetTOOB (WinDOS). I think if you need to create streaming RealAudio files you 
need to buy RealPlayer Plus or RealProducer (go to Ogg Vorbis 
( looks really good for your needs. However, it is still under 
development (version 1 is due out soon). Read the site FAQ for details.

The problem with streaming audio is that if the site viewer's bandwidth is 
rather slow (e.g. a dial-up connection), they may just end up with choppy 

What kind of sound do you intend to send? If it is not too complex, perhaps 
you can put it in MIDI format. MIDI files are *extremely* small and support a 
large range of sounds (nothing like MP3, but you can still make some great 
effects). Look up MIDI composers on Freshmeat or Tucows Linux; I think there 
are quite a few of them around.

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000 04:32, scotchpie wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> > Have you tried looking into streaming the audio?
> Thanks for that suggestion Sridhar.
> Although I've done a couple of sites for friends etc.  this is the first
> one that needs some form of multimedia.
> How do I steam audio files?  Do I need to save with a speacial file
> extension or will MP3's do the trick with some speacial JavaScript code?
> I've also heard of .ram files for real audio which I think is streamed but
> I don't know how to save .ram files ( I don't use Windows, only Linux).
> Your help will be appreciated.
> Andrew

Sridhar Dhanapalan
        "One World, One Web, One Programme" - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
        "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer" - Adolf Hitler

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