
Thanks for the info on the md5sum. I guess I download got screwed up. I
downloaded the iso again and successfully burnt the CD. I can't wait to try
it out later at home.

Does anyone know if the boot image (from 'mandrake70-2_i486') will support
installation from an ext. parallel port CD drive?

Thanks a ton.
Ashley Moore.

                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            To:     
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
                    Sent by:                           cc:     (bcc: Ashley 
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Subject:     Re: [newbie] 
'mandrake70-2_i486.iso' image burnt a blank CD  
                    10/25/2000 10:42 PM                                                
                    Please respond to newbie                                           

like john i have burnt that cd and had no problems, i also used nero in

to check the md5sum enter the directory with the iso in a console and
run the command: md5sum <isofilename> and wait a bit, if you have more
than one file to check in the directory using wildcards will check a
selection or all of them, compare the result with the one quoted in the
text file


Ashley Moore wrote:
> Hi,
> Like I've mentioned earlier (ref:[newbie] Install on a 486 Laptop) I've
> just downloaded the 'mandrake70-2_i486.iso' image and  put it onto a
> CD.  Viewwing the CD from DOS/ Windows shows the Volume lable correctly
> (AIR-i486), but its blank !!! No Contents !!!! Has anyone else tried to
> this image onto the CD. I don't want to waste another blank CD if its not
> going to burn correctly. Or did I screw up somewhere in the download or
> CD writing process?
> out of curiosity: how can i use the MD5 checksum thats in the same folder
> as the .iso image?
> Ashley Moore.

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