Thank you Barry
You have help me to solve my problem . Thank you very much ..
Best Regards,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2000 6:13 AM
Subject: [newbie] Re: StartOffice

SKLIM wrote:
Hi !

I am Linux Mandrake user as well . The same problem I have when installing
startoffice at mandrake 7.1

I have download the JRE and I copy in into /tmp .

I have enter the command tar xvzf jre*

What next ... ? Is it the startoffice will auto search for it ?

Best Regards,

If you have blackdown's version, copy it into /usr and untar it there.
It will create its own directory.  When you open SO, it automatically looks
for it.  To check, open the Bookmarks (Click on the arrow above the tack
on the left hand side.  It took me forever to find them.).  You will find a
Bookmark for Java and under that Java Setup.  If SO found it ok, you
will see it in the frame.  Click OK and the next time you open SO, Java
will be enabled.
Barry :-)

Registered Linux User #183879

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