In a message dated 29-Oct-00 07:09:02 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> It works but i've got a problem:  it changes my desktop resolution, 
> 1280x1024, to
> a virtual 1280x1024 (showing 640x480).  Not everything is being showed fine 
> and
> when i stop it the virtual desktop is still there  8-?
> And of course playing with a virtual desktop is not the best (you move from 
> the
> game to a different side of the virtual desktop without wanting to do so!).
> Any idea??

i have that problem without playing the game, thats the reason why i hate 
virtual desktops, i dont mind having a little button to choose from 2 or more 
desktops, but the mouse over function needs to go, i am using an old dual 
scan lcd so sometimes i cant see my mouse and next thing i know is im in 
another desktop, its really anoying

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