> Suggestion:  download win4lin from www.trelos.com and try it.  It's not
> free.  But at $35 is in my opinion a bargain.  Once you have installed
> win4lin, and then Windows 95 or 98 under it, run(do not walk) out and buy
> "Optimizing Windows for Games, Graphics and Multimedia" by David
> Farquhar(O'Reilly, pub).  Go to chapter 2 and use 5 or 6 suggestions.  All
> your Windows apps will run great...  including that notable hog, Lotus
> Notes.
> Brian

Thanks for the suggestion, Brian. Well...though the problem is...I don't want
any MS product on my Linux box. So, if I have to put Windog on it...it kinda
defeats the purpose, IYKWIM... ;-)

Thanks anyways, though!!!


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