You can say that again! At this point in time I would touch Koffice, or
Kword with a ten foot pole. After the fiasko if this weekend past I'm no
stinkin hurry to even get a whif of KDE2 or anything related to it.


Larry is NOT a cucumber...he's a stinkin pickle...
        WITH WARTS!

          registered linux user # 182469
                =/\= PINE 4.21 =/\=

Surprisingly on Wed, 1 Nov 2000 Larry Marshall had this to say!

> > There's Kword is an excellent alternative to MS Word in Mandrake 7.2.
> > Havent tried it yet.  But I checked it out as Koffice is integrated together
> > like Office 2000.  Lookin' like a window killer.  hehe
> The big problem with Kword is that it doesn't output foreign formats
> yet.  This is going to be a problem for anyone who deals with the outside
> world.  As for Window killer, it's going to have to mature considerably
> before acquiring the abilities of current Linux-compatible word
> processors.
> Cheers --- Larry

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