My experience was similar. Two machines, completely different as far as
hardware and it installed on both without error. Everything was detected
and works great. If this a indication of things to come from Mandrake, I
look forward to their future offerings!

I hope others have the same experience. 


philomena wrote:
> I hate to say this, but I am in shock..
> I just installed 7.2 from the current ISO images - did an expert install and
> installed everything- and for the very first time, of any Mandrake or SuSE
> install, ALL of my devices (except my USB  HP scanner - not supported yet as
> far as I know ) worked out of the "box" - my SBLive! card, DSL, floppy, ZIP,
> CDRW (although I haven't tested if the writing part works), printer (HP
> Deskjet 950C)  all work !!! Printouts look incredible. I can't believe I
> don't have to coerce my sound card into an operational state.
> KDE2 installed fine - XFree 4.01 looks great - my flatscreen monitor looks
> excellent !!!! This is GREAT !!!!
> Konqueror looks fine - no more ugly fonts - Kmail set up as easy as pie
> One thing - amyone know where in KDE2 you can install new themes  ? I don't
> see the Theme Manager that used to be in the Control center.
> This is a pure standalone, at home, machine - nothing too fancy, but that may
> change now.
> Way to go Mandrake !!!!!
> cheers,
> philomena

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