I agree with you entirely. I *was* under the impression, however, that I was 
maintaining my system rather well, and that my hardware is of good quality (I 
made sure to choose each and every component of my computer myself, after 
careful research). KDE2 is the only group of programmes I have problems with. 
GNOME works fine, as did KDE1.x. Are there any suggestions on what I can do 
to improve KDE2's stability? Perhaps I can change some config settings, 
either in KDE, X, or Linux in general.

On Fri,  3 Nov 2000 09:23, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> On Thursday 02 November 2000 06:21 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> > Is it just me or is KDE2 annoyingly unstable? I have been using
> > KDE2 since beta 4 and when Mandrake 7.2 was released I downloaded
> > and installed it over my Mandrake 7.0 system. KDE2 was too
> > unstable to use as a main desktop,
>    I'll go to my "we're all snowflakes" argument.  _On your
> hardware_, as _it's configured_,and _it's quality_, and varied _by
> your install options_, plus other enumerable variances, including
> 'user' ones, ... you're havin' some problems.  Welcome to Linux at
> it's cuttin edge.  If you think you have problems, get on the NG's
> and websites and listen to all the people with other distros that
> can't even get KDE2 and/or XF-4 installed, much less usable and with
> no help from the distro/developers. Mandrake developers have been
> makin' all this stuff available overnite, with custom rpm's !!  I
> sometimes wonder if they ever sleep. Surely they have no sex life ;)
>     To try to 'an be helpful, altho my harware is solid, quality,
> standard stuff, it's overclocked to the Nth degree.  My experience
> with 7.2 and KDE2 so far, even tho I started with an early 7.2beta3
> and KDE 1.94, has been as I upgrade the install with 7.2 final and
> 7.2beta/rc rpm's, it's become the most stable and resilient release
> I've ever had.
>   Unfortunately (or the reverse :), it's tooooo!! damn popular. All
> the 'update and 7.2 d/l site's are overloaded. Mandrake_Update is
> futile, most all ftp's are empty or closed due to user quotas. So
> I've been doin' FTP searches for main things like XFree86, KDE2,
> LinuxConf, Menu, pam, etc., findin sites I can get into, and with a
> lot of caution about meeting dependancies without reckless 'lib'
> changes, while reckoning sometimes a '--force' or '--nodeps is
> needed, ... slowly and deliberately I've got it rock solid ... over
> a 28,8 connection.
>    If this approach doesn't sit well with some, then I can only
> figure y'all might wanna go back to XF-3.3.x and KDE 1.1x
>     Sorry for the rant, it's not personal, I'm jus' gettin' real
> annoyed with all the 7.2/KDE2/XF-4 complaints as of late.  Using
> Linux involves a lot of personal responsibiltiy for maintaining the
> system (and hardware)...  an idea I fear is being lost.  One thing
> I'm sure of is that the staff at Mandrake is workin' their tail off
> and that 99% of Mandrake users will be pleasantly surprised by going
> up to 7.2   Even the Wal*Mart ones ;)

Sridhar Dhanapalan
        "One World, One Web, One Programme." - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
        "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler

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