On Friday 03 November 2000 09:43 pm, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 KDE2 is the only
> group of programmes I have problems with. GNOME works fine, as did
> KDE1.x. Are there any suggestions on what I can do to improve
> KDE2's stability? Perhaps I can change some config settings,
> either in KDE, X, or Linux in general.
    Not other than as I said, update XF-4 and KDE2 to Mandrakes 
latest rpm's.  This will also involve updating many other system 
packages.  Use 7.2 final rpms, don't use cooker rpms.  As to 
hardware, add ram and make sure you've got your HDD(s) optimized 
with 'hdparm'.  If you still find KDE2 'unstable', you might try
downgrading to XF-3.3.6.  If you're still not satisfied, downgrade 
to KDE1.

    You might subscribe to the KDE mailing list(s).  You'll find 
most all of the people havin problems with KDE2 _aren't_ runnin 
Mandrake.  I believe you'll also find most understand that KDE2 
(like Gnome) is a work in progress, and there's still manys bugs and 
user issues to work out.  They've already been working on the next 
release since before KDE2.0
Tom Brinkman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Galveston Bay

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