On Monday 06 November 2000 12:24 am, Bill Witherspoon wrote:
> I just installed v7.2 from downloaded iso's.
> Everything is working great except when I tried to compile a kde
> app (kbear). ../configure told me I was running a beta copy of
> Qt2.2.1 (2.2.1-3mdk).
> I downloaded the latest from rpmfind.net (qt2-2.2.1-4mdk).
> However, on rpm -Uvh I am told that I need
> libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3. This is provided by
> libstdc++-2.96-0.14mdk (which I also downloaded). On rpm -Uvh
> libstdc++.... , I am told that "everything" ;) relies on a file
> which is provided by the current version of libstdc++ (2.95.2-12),
> which is not provided in the new version.
> I guess my question is: Am I going to break my beautiful
> Mandrake/KDE2 install by trying this upgrade??

    In a word, yes.  Be very careful when upgrading lib's. 
libstdc++-2.96 is cooker, right?  Cooker lib/devel rpm's will 
prob'ly break your system.  If you didn't do it during your 7.2 
install, put the CD back in and do an expert/rescue (upgrade).  
Choose 'development'.  When you have that done, if kbear won't 
compile, it's prob'ly a problem with kbear's configure file. Is 
kbear a KDE1 app?  If so, that's 90% of the problem right there as 
it most likely isn't finding the KDE1 compat lib's.  I've had 
similar problems myself and haven't found a work around yet.
Tom Brinkman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Galveston Bay

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