> Thanks Tom:
> After much reading and a little (very Little) thinking I decided
> to open up my computer case (I just bought this machine I August.
> An al cheapo at that!! I got what I paid for!!!!) and check the
> cable to the hard drive. It is over 2 feet long and a 40 wire 40
> pin cable!!! No wonder I am getting CRC errors. Now the trick will
> be to find an 80 wire 40 pin cable 1 foot long. Thanks again for
> the info.
> Cheers
> Charles

     I'd suggest getting a standard ata/33 cable and settle for that.
If you do a lot of searching on the Net you'll find out that PCChips 
anything, is the worst cheap junk.  I suspect you'll have problems 
with its ata/66 controller no matter what you try.  Using a 40 wire 
ata/33 cable will hopefully solve most of your problems. They're 
only a coupl'a $$'s, so it'd be worth tryin.
Tom Brinkman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Galveston Bay

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