It was Nov 7, 2000, 19:55, when Steve Maytum keyboarded:

>Hello everyone. I have managed to boot-up my new M/board and chip thanks
>to your suggestions. Still getting to grips with Linux , but just one
>answer please if possible. In view of info on setting up new PC , am I
>correct in thinking that to fit multiple drives this has to be achieved
>by SCSI device? Sorry to bug you but I really don't know the answer and
>am too inexperienced to know where to go just yet!  Regards --

You can set up 4 IDE devices on a normal motherboard. Some special ones
even appear to have 4 interfaces making a total of 8 devices.
SCSI will allow for 7 devices, with certain controllers upto 15 devices in
a chain.


Bustard (n.): a very rude Metrobus driver. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
              -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

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