I'm currently using Netzero (in Win98se) because I don't want to pay for a
dial-up service that I can't use half of the time.  The telephone service in
our apartment has the charming tendency to stop working whenever it rains--a
lot in Vancouver, WA.  When the phones are working, I use NZ.
        You actually don't have to do much with the NZ interface.  Every half hour
or so it will say "Are you still there?" or somesuch and you just click on
"yes" and continue your merry way.
        Of course, none of the free ISPs (to my knowledge) support Linux as of yet.
When I can afford a cable modem or DSL connection and when I can use my ATI
128 vid card to watch television in Linux, Windows will have an unfortunate
accident.  Until then, necessity keeps me a part-time microslave.

Registered Linux User

> -----Original Message-----
> NetZero advertisers have to offer. This advertisement interaction
> helps NetZero maintain a FREE Internet. "
>    I looked into 'free internet' a while ago. They're mostly all the
> same.  It basically means all you can do is aimlessly surf, so I
> never tried any of them.

_____NetZero Free Internet Access and Email______

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