It was Nov 7, 2000, 11:25, when Marcia keyboarded:

Hi Marcia,

I hear many different things from updates. I have never had any problems
with that, though. My start was redhat 5.2, and upgraded that through RH
6.0, MDK 6.1, MDK 7.0 and MDK 7.1. And I have the MDK7.2 cd's ready for
the next upgrade. I don't expect any problems, but it is up to you to see
what you want to do. I would go for the upgrade, though. That keeps all
the settings and such in place.

Good luck,

>If I decide to install or upgrade to 7.2 will that mess up everything or
>some things that I have working finally? Will my ethernet cable modem
>continue to work properly? It took me 4 months to figure out how to make
>it work. What is better , fresh install or upgrade? I read that the
>fresh install was fast however the upgrade was taking 5 hours or more.
>Any suggestions?  Thank you for your help. Marcia

Coffee (n.): a person who is coughed upon. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
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