Amuro Rei wrote:
> A few months ago, I bought a copy of Linux-Mandrake
> 7.0 with the intent to install it on my then-new
> computer. However, I ran into a major problem. When I
> used the included tool to partition my hard drive, the
> partition worked, but my computer would no longer
> recognise my CD-ROM drive (it just didn't appear
> anywhere), so I couldn't install Linux, and I had to
> remove the partition. My computer worked fine after
> that, but I was unable to install Linux, so I put the
> Linux CDs away. Now, for some reason, I've decided to
> try to install again. What is wrong with my CD-ROM
> drive that it's doing this?
> My computer is a HP Pavilion 9694C. I don't know much
> about the specs on my CD-ROM drive tho..altho it is a
> combination CD-ROM/DVD drive.
> Can anyone help this clueless newbie?

I'll give it a burst - I have 28 7.0 installs under my shirt!!

First - is your machine able to boot from the cdrom?? If so
does it do so for this cd?

You may have to go to your bios settings and juggle the boot
settings so that the cdrom is higher in the stack. ie set it
up so that the order is say: cdrom, floppy, harddrive.

If you cannot boot from the floppy I suggest you find your way
into the dosutils/autoboot subdirectory on the cd and try it
that way. My machine is pretty old and won't boot from the cd
drive so I use the autoboot system - it's much more 'reliable'
than the floppy boot method.

Come on back now eh?


ICQ#: 89345394                  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

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