I have the same problem with my cable modem, which I connect to the Internet 
with dhcpcd. I have tried dhclient, but there is no difference. dhcpxd is 
supposed to be the best dhcp client there is right now, but I haen't been 
able to get it working with my setup. Perhaps that solves this problem (if 
you can work out how to use it, please tell me).

I have found a Perl script called dhcpkeepalive which tries to ping an 
outside server. If the ping fails, it reruns dhcpcd to reconnect. I can be 
set to run periodically as a cron job.

The method I prefer, however, is to run dhcp directly to renew my connection 
every five minutes (via a cron job). Since the connection is actually being 
renewed on the server side as well as the client side (a dhcp request is sent 
to the server), there should be no dropouts at all. It seems to work for me 
-- I have had no problems since.

On Thu,  9 Nov 2000 11:19, Eric Becker wrote:
> I use my linux box as a router (ip-masquerading) for other PC's on my lan.
> I have two nics, one connected to an external adsl modem and the other one
> is connected to my switch.  I used to have mandrake 7.1 and I didn't
> experience any problems.  When I upgraded to 7.2...I started experiencing
> connection problems.  It seems that my connection to my dsl provider will
> mysteriously drop for unspecificied amounts of time.  Sometimes it will be
> only a couple minutes, but other times it will be for hours.  I can easily
> fix it by either restarting dhcpcd, or I can just issue and ifdown eth0
> command and then follow up with an ifup eth0.  What is causing this
> problem? I remember I used to have the same problem when I used
> Redhat...and Redhat uses pump instead of dhcpcd.  Any help would be
> appreciated.

Sridhar Dhanapalan
        "One World, One Web, One Programme." - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
        "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler

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