On Sunday 12 November 2000 22:09, Dan Hathy keyboarded:

>I downloaded the web browser, OPERA- it is what I use 95% of the time in
>win98.  I finally found it on my drive and was able to open the program.
>(Still can't use the internet, but that is a different problem which I
>believe I will need to buy a new modem in order to fix).
>Anyway,  How do I get Opera to show up in the menus under Applications or
>what ever.  I downloaded and installed an HTML editor(QUANTA) showed up

Don't know, I assume you use KDE. There is a menu editor in there 

> in the menu of programs.  I downloaded another HTML editor (SCREEM) and
> I have not even found it anywhere on my HD.

Can you find it through

which screem   or   locate screem  ?

>Also, How do I change the system clock.  It is off by about 5 hrs?

Use timetool, as root.

>One (or two) more quick questions.  Any good music notation programs out
>there and how do I install a program from a zip(tar?) file?

1. check www.freshmeat.net
2. tar -xvf <tarname>  or tar -xvzf <tarname.gz>
3. cd tarname
4. ./configure (often there)
5. make
6. make install

Very briefly put though...


>Richard Daniels Music-Theory for the Serious Musician

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