Can you imagine defragging a 21 Terabyte drive? Would it be done by
Christmas?? :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Tharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Problem with DiskDrake

> just how big deem hard drives? and where did you get a 6000 gig. drive
> anyway, from the starship Enterprise? Kirk will be mad.....
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Raju Krishnappa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 5:46 PM
> Subject: [newbie] Problem with DiskDrake
> > Hello Friends,
> >
> > Yesterday i was installing Mandrake 7.2 on
> > AMDk7 - 750MHz,  VIA- Chipset(Soyo Mother board)
> > 128MB, Diamond Viper 200(32MB)AGP and 30GB Hard
> > Disk
> > I had 4 partitions on this Harddisk, is connected to primary
> > IDE (master), of the following size
> >
> > 1) Partition 1 = 6000GB
> > 2) Partitoon 2 = 9000GB
> > 3) Partition 3 = 6000GB
> >
> > I had win98 and 2000 on these partitions.
> >
> > In the forth partition, i had an suse linux installed(around 8 - 9 gb)
> > with swap, boot and root partition.
> >
> > I started Mandrake 7.2 installation from the CD rom
> > and choose "Select existing partition".  It showed
> > the existing linux partition(SuSe one).  It asked to
> > continue with the formating of the Linux Native partition.
> > and resulted in error saying "unable to format and mount"
> >
> > Then, i thought of changing the partition size,
> > i used advanced option,(DiskDrake - disk partitioner and
> > resizer), this showed the existing partition information on
> > the disk properly,  and then i created partitions and selected
> > mount point for the /boot and /(root).
> > DiskDrake prompted, partition information is going to written
> > to disk, then i pressed ok.  After that, it pooped a box saying
> > "Unable to read partition information, continue at your own risk"
> > then it displayed a blank disk with no partition.  Actually it
> > screwed up my entire disk partition information by deleting
> > partition table.
> >
> > Then i shutdown mandrake installation, and try to boot to win98.
> > i couldn't able  too, bios din't reconginze booting device,  then i
> > boot using 98 floppy and did fdisk on the harddisk,
> > i was really surprised, only two partition were there on the
> > disk, C: with 1MB and D with 4GB. and my entire hard
> > disk got wiped out and i couldn't able to recover the data.
> >
> > Later i thought of partitioning harddisk using DiskDrake and
> > install mandrake.  I created 3 FAT32 partition
> > of size 6000Gb, 6000GB,10000GB, and in the remaining(8GB)
> > i created swap, /boot and / linux partition,  at this
> > time too, i faced few problems with DiskDrake,  it used to
> > give error message saying "swap space need to be."(specifying exact
> > error message).  Finally somehow, i could able to format
> > linux native partition and installation went through properly.
> > I selected boot loader to reside on MBR.
> > Then installation displayed "Installation completion" message,
> > told to reboot the system, by removing the media from the
> > CDRom.   I did this, but system was unable to boot/find the
> > linux boot image.
> >
> > No other way to go, i reinstalled the Linux, during this time also i
> > need to re-create partitions(i was getting same old error
> > messages) and however i managed to create boot disk this time
> > and told to install boot loader in the first sector of boot
> > partition and rebooted the system.  Same thing, the system
> > din't recognized the linux loader, however i could
> > able to boot using boot disk which i had created during
> > installation.
> >
> > Then i booted to win98, and did fdisk, surprisingly
> > i could able to see only two partition even though
> > i had created 3 FAT32 partition with DiskDrake.
> > Primary partition C: of 6GB(this is correct) and
> > Only one extended dos partition of 23GB D:
> > but i had created two extended partition of 6GB and 10 GB.
> >
> >
> > I need to know, why system is unable to load linux
> > on startup? what is the problem with linuxloader??
> > have you guys seen this kind of DiskDrake behavior???
> > is this DiskDrake is a buggy software???
> >
> > Can mandrake guys answer my questions??
> >
> > Thanks
> > Raj
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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