On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Does it play sound as root, in sndconfig? If so:

>How do you enable audio devices ?  What command ?

chmod a+rx /dev/dsp

>How do you enable synth devices ? What command ?
>How do you enable midi devices ? What command ?

chmod a+rw /dev/midi

>How do you enable mixers devices ? What command ?

chmod a+rw /dev/mixer

>I am trying to get the stupid sound card to work.
>What permissions ?
>Again snd config does not work.
>Drak config does not work.
>Moving the card to another slot does not work.
>Turning off pnp does not work.
>I am not a stupid user.

Then you may have a stupid card. But I don't know what card you have, I
missed most of this thread.


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                 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.21

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