Vladimir Morozov wrote:
> Dear linux-experts :-)
> Please help!
> My video card is ATI Mach64 GX. This card has an
> accelerated driver in XF86. Somehow, when I use this
> driver my x-session always hangs - it works for a
> while, and then unexpectedly my display freezes.
> I have narrowed down my problem to the fact that my
> videocard glitches in accelerated mode, since i have
> too little RAM (32MB). I have to run some simple
> unaccelerated driver.
> I tried to use a different video driver - so far i
> found one - Generic VGA - it works JUST FINE - my
> display never hangs, plus the whole system seems to
> work faster(??). The only problem is that Gen. VGA
> always overrides my resolution settings to 600x300
> pixels (normally i work at 1024x748 ) - so i cannot do
> anything good with my display when it is in 600x300
> mode.
> Is there some other driver (generic SVGA or something)
> which would drive my videocard without acceleration
> and give me normal resolution? What about earlier
> versions of XFree86 - do they have unaccelerated
> driver versions   for my videocard?

Use the proper driver.  

Edit /etc/X11/XF86Config

Where you see the line 

# Put clock lines here

Just above it insert the line

       Options "noaccel"

That should work if you are using XFree86-3.3.6

If you are using XFree86-4.01 then look at the file 


and turning off acceleration is even simpler.


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