
If you remember to a couple of weeks ago, I sent a message (in response to 
one of your questions) to you and the newbie group that this same thing 
happens to me. As I said before, I have found that you can still connect 
manually to the Internet via cable even with this error. I have never had any 
luck with the graphical Mandrake tools, but accessing a dhcp client like 
dhcpcd, dhcpxd or dhclient directly works the trick. If you have a client-ID, 
like @Home customers have, you can enter /sbin/dhcpcd -d -n -h COxxxxxxx-A 
eth0 into a root console., where COxxxxxxx-A is your client-ID. The client-ID 
should be the name of your computer in the networking section of Control 
Panel in WinDOS.

If you want to be online at boot, you can put this line into your 
/etc/rc.d/rc.local file. I have even set it as a cron job to run every five 
minutes to ensure that the connection stays up (it occasionally drops out).

On Sat, 18 Nov 2000 16:26, Roger Sherman wrote:
> So, when I installed 7.2 a few days ago, I was thrilled to see it
> configured my cable modem for me. Yesterday, I decided it was time to
> install a firewall, which I attempted. It went poorly, so I decided to
> put it on the shelf til I could talk to someone who knew a bit about
> it. My roommate wanted to use the PC, and go into WIndows, which he
> did. Later I booted back into Linux, and saw as it was initializing
> everything, that eth0 failed to initialize. The reason given was
> Initializing eth0 - Determining IP information via dhcpcd - failed
> I figured it was because of  my botched firewall attempt, so I
> uninstalled it, and still nothing. So, since Id just installed
> everything, and nothing was really tweaked to my liking, I just
> reinstalled the whole thing. Problem solved, and I was back online.
> Until I rebooted again - this time with no firewall to muck things up.
> Same result though, same message.
> Can anyone tell me how to get back online? I typed in ifconfig, and it
> didnt tell me anything except that I was offline, I tried to
> reconfigure my cable setup through DrakeConf - Network and Internet
> Configuration; it told me it was starting eth0 again, then a minute
> later it said it was already configured. In a terminal, as su, I typed
> dhcpcd, but it didnt do anything. Thats it for me, Im a newbie, I have
> no tricks up my sleeve.
> So is it possible to dual boot and still be able to initialize eth0
> upon booting? Id really hate to think I might have to reinstall Linux
> a couple times a week if I want to be online, but at the same time, I
> want nothing to do with Windows anymore, and am considering making
> this PC strictly a Linux box. Problem being, if I get knocked offline
> like that, then I have to reinstall Windows to get help.
> Help!!!
> peace,
> Rog

Sridhar Dhanapalan
        "One World, One Web, One Programme." - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
        "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler

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