"Brian P. Trotter" wrote:
> I am full of questions tonight.
> I am trying to get my modem working. I connected an external 3com 56k modem
> to the COM1 port on the back of the PC. In Mandrake, I type the following
> command: setserial -g /dev/ttys*
> and it returns the following results:
> /dev/ttys0: Input/output error
> /dev/ttys1: Input/output error
> /dev/ttys2: Input/output error
> /dev/ttys3: Input/output error
> /dev/ttys4: Input/output error
> /dev/ttys5: Input/output error
> /dev/ttys6: Input/output error
> /dev/ttys7: Input/output error
> /dev/ttys8: Input/output error
> /dev/ttys9: Input/output error
> /dev/ttysa: Input/output error
> /dev/ttysb: Input/output error
> /dev/ttysc: Input/output error
> /dev/ttysd: Input/output error
> /dev/ttyse: Input/output error
> /dev/ttysf: Input/output error
> When I try to get it to dial, it does nothing. I see no lights flashing on
> the modem, so I get the feeling that it can not see the serial port
> correctly. When I first installed Linux, I was using a serial mouse, whereas
> now I am using a PS/2 mouse. I saw a lot of archives saying to use KPPP, but
> I cant find it installed anywhere.
> I also did this, with the following results:
> [root@mandrake btrotter]# cd /proc/tty/driver
> [root@mandrake driver]# more serial
> serinfo:1.0 driver:4.27
> 0: uart:16550A port:3F8 irq:4 tx:0 rx:0
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,


Remember that regardless of mousetype, it may still be linked to
(com 1 under Windows).

I suggest you try your modem on the second serial port, /dev/ttyS1 (com
under windows.)

ICQ#: 89345394                  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

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