I apologise for an off-topic post but I need some help please and I know that 
a lot of you are experts in the hardware field.
A colleague asked me to look at her PC (P75, 24mb) which, when powered up 
appeared to give no output to the monitor, a change of monitors had made no 
I powered it up and it the monitor remained blank. Suspecting the graphics 
card (PCI) I swapped it for an old ISA card to see what happened and 
re-booted. POST completed with a checksum error message, (no sign of a CMOS 
button battery) I pressed F1 and continued, Windows (I know !) booted after 
running scandisk and programs loaded succesfully. Just to see what happened I 
put the original PCI card back in and re-booted, no problems. Thinking that 
it was perhaps just dirt on contacts and that the problem was solved I left 
it running for 30 mins or so, went back to it and it had hung - no response 
from mouse or keyboard,  powered down and re-booted and was back to square 1 
- monitor power light came on for a few seconds, then a black screen. Swapped 
the cards again but nothing changed. No error messages, either text or beeps 
to give me a clue.
Has anybody got any ideas please ?
BTW both fans are working, very little dust present.

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