Ok I have installed Mandrake-Linux with no problems on my system, 5 times now. I am installing the lnx4win version. In windoz I got the DHCP, Default Gateway, my IP, my subnetmast, which is, notice the 252 there?, and my DNS. I have used the ifconfig -a function and my card is being reconized. BTW I have Road Runner cable connection . I have tried most every variant I can to get the internet connection up. I am a true newb to Linux but frow what i understand the DHCP should configure my system for me. I have before set up a NetMax server but when I did that it used a static ip. Is there a function of sometype that i can run to set up my connection? Im lost here.   
                                                                                                                                                                                    Thx for anyhelp

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