There could be a few things going on here.  One, try this command.

telnet -l root localhost

The -l parameter tells it what user is going to be telneting into
the machine.

Secondly.. Do you have SSH installed.  I believe when you install
SSH, it automatically restricts telnet access sicne it's not secure.
IF you have your security levels up pretty high, you might now be
able to telnet into the machine.  Due to the fact that telnet is 
not secure.

Off the top of my head I can't remember what file that is set it. 
But if you see a #telnet in that file then telnet is not enabled.

I'd look for the file, but I managed to mess up my boot record
so I can't actually boot into Linux right now! :0)  If I didn't
actually need Windoze in this house... I'd forbid it in my house!!

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Fabio Tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001120 11:29]:
> Hello ALL
> Here I am having a little problem trying to access the linux with
> telnet. Its strangeous when root can' t access but any other commom user
> can normally. And if I access like a normal user and after this switch
> to root with su command, I get root access normally. Why I can't access
> as root in telnet directly ? What may be wrong or misconfigurated ?
> Thanks for any help.
> Fabio
> from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

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