I've installed 7.2 on two different boxes, now (developmental), and both 
installs took 3 HOURS!  These boxes are probably minimum, P200mmx with 64M of 
ram and scsi 9 gig drives with 50x ATAPI cdroms.  Three hours seems out of 
line for an install on a clean, formatted HD--at least to me.  The longest 
7.1 took was 70 minutes, or so--I was using scsi 4X cd's with those, though.  
Would a scsi CD make that much difference?

So far, kde2 is definitely prettier than its predecessors, and a bit slower 
to load.  Apps are somewhat slower to load too (ala Win98)--I guess that's 
the payment for the eye candy.  Some stuff is not totally stable, imo.  So 
far my crashes have only happened when I CLOSED an app, never while running 
one or while loading one.  I get a consistent crash when I close the 
background manager if I choose a background from a source other than kde's 
default sourcefile, and I get the "app has crashed" window when I close any 
Gnome game that I'm running in kde.  Minor annoyances, but I don't think I'll 
do any more 7.2 installs until the bugfixes come in the next month or so.

CUPS was kind of a headache for me, but I've got it figured out now.  In 
fact, I think I like it, now I've got the StarOffice printing sorted out.  
Like anything new it requires some getting used to.

My one real complaint is the Konquerer network ran really slow copying from 
Windows machines to the 7.2 machines.  I don't have a clue why, it was fine 
going from Linux box to Linux box.  I installed the LinNeighborhood rpm and 
now both Linux and Windows files copy fast.  Anyone know why this happened to 
me?  Has it happened to anyone else, and if so, how did you fix it?


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