On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:

> > In a message dated 12/1/00 4:54:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> > if MS
> > ever decided to distribute a flavor of linux I believe they would give
> > Mandrake, SuSE, RedHat, and etc. a very hard run for their money.

I am sorry but I don't have the first clue what you are trying to say.  Is a 
MS distro going to be any better than what we have?  My guess is that it 
would introduce to Linux a new concept like AUTOCRAAAASH EVERY FIVE MINUTES
> But, wouldnt we all just download it off the net for free instead of buying
> it in a store. I go out and buy the software to support the cause, I
> wouldnt but a microsoft product if i could download it for free
Yes of course we would.  Are you some sort of idiot?

> ~Lance's $0.02
Well done, you can spell your name.  Unless you were very drunk when you 
posted your note you owe me an apology for boring me and wasting my time.
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