Take a look at what happened when MS first tried skinnable software, this
media player of theirs.  Plenty of skinnable windows programs had been out
for a year or more.  MS had the advantage of having the source code for
windows.  Their media player was easily the most incompetent skinning job
available.  The fonts would not adjust to the right size and overran the
buttons, and if one ran a window-frame skinner like windowblinds, the MS
media player would get skinned twice, with a border surrounding a border.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Kinch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: > > In a message dated 12/1/00 4:54:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,
: >
: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
: > > if MS
: > > ever decided to distribute a flavor of linux I believe they would give
: > > Mandrake, SuSE, RedHat, and etc. a very hard run for their money.
: I am sorry but I don't have the first clue what you are trying to say.  Is
: MS distro going to be any better than what we have?  My guess is that it
: would introduce to Linux a new concept like AUTOCRAAAASH EVERY FIVE

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