Mark Weaver wrote:
> Yes...Av is right. Kmail will do the GUI thing for you and also access
> multiple accounts with the lowest level of hankering with lots of
> under-the-covers programs running like fetchmail/sendmail/postfix. As far
> as Postfix and Sendmail go, it's one or the other cause they do NOT get
> along or play well together at all. Sendmail is far more robust then
> Postfix. Both can be configured from the Webmin interface.

Yup recognised that - missed an 'or' out <grin>
> I've got Sendmail sending and receiving mail on my machine now and it
> works fawlessly for me. No muss.

But you use pine and a text interface - I've looked at pine and like
what I see - however the problem is text sizes and colours - I tried
messing with different char sizes for the video card and that was the
reason for some of the 'Oh Darn - that fuxed it!' re-installs.

I just went and looked at the Kmail homepage - seems it REQUIRES KDE2,
watching the list says that I should leave it alone for the time being -
I don't really want to waste bandwidth trying to get it downloaded.

I have a very unreliable landline connection, example of average d/l
speeds was that for Staroffice 5.2 - (11 files of about 10meg each),
took almost 20 hours to d/l! That costs!! Premium!!

Everything I've looked at so far - Pronto, Mahogany, Balsa et al has
some endearing features, but none actually approximate what I'm looking
for, which is as near as dammit to Eudora. Pity that Qualcomm haven't
seen fit so far to consider the Linux platform even as a binary.


ICQ#: 89345394                  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

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