
Thanks for the reply.  I have used DrakeConf, but the sound card does not 
show up. Everything shows up, but the sound card.  As far as I can tell, 
there doesn't seem to be a resource conflict.  I finally figured out what 
sound card I'm using on my laptop.  It is a ESS 1869-1879.  This type of 
sound card is supported by linux, right? If this is the case, how would I 
be able to enable the sound?  I haven't really found any useful documentation.


At 02:01 PM 12/6/2000 +0530, you wrote:
>Please use DrakeConf as the root user. It has tools for configuing
>sound. Click on the configure sound and follow the instructions. These
>tools are found only if u r using Xwindow systed

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