Yes, you're right that KDE isn't, strictly speaking a window manager, and 
that there is a difference between a desktop environment an a wm (I run 
Enlightenment under Gnome, for example). Doesn't change the point I was 
making, which is that single-clickedness isn't a feature of Linux, but of the 
GUI the user is running. That's all.

> KDE is not a window manager, it is the K Desktop Environment. An
> environment offers far more than a standard window manager. With regards to
> KDE and GNOME, KDE does not make it easy to change your window manager
> (although you can - I run KDE with WindowMaker), leading one to believe
> that it is a window manager when in fact the window manager, KWM, is only a
> part of it. GNOME, on the other hand, provides an option in the Comtrol
> Centre to choose a window manager. Before GNOME 1.2 the default window
> manager was Enlightenment. Since then it has been Sawfish. There is nothing
> stopping you from choosing something else, although it helps to pick a
> GNOME-compliant one. While I have not used XFCE, I believe it is a similar
> story. It is an environment with a separate window manager.


"They said I was mad; and I said they were mad; 
damn them, they outvoted me"

- Nathaniel Lee

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