On Monday 11 December 2000 17:00, you wrote:
> Tried your suggestion, didn't work.  The cd wil play you can see the time
> counting up but no sound.  There is no problem with mp3's and system
> sounds. Thanks for the suggestion.
> Wilson
> On Monday 11 December 2000 04:48 pm, you wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> >
> > You can try this (as root):
> >
> > chmod a+rwx /dev/cdrom
> >
> > My setup shows:
> > [paul@internet paul]$ ls -l /dev/cdrom
> > lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            3 Nov 11 21:09 /dev/cdrom -> hdd
> > [paul@internet paul]$ ls -l /dev/hdd
> > brw-------    1 seti     cdrom     22,  64 Sep 27 12:31 /dev/hdd
> >
> > Good luck,
> > Paul
> >
> > >Now I have no sound from CD Player.  I think that when I installed KDE
> > > 2.0.1 something happened to the permissions because I have had trouble
> > > with a few things and had to change permissions to get them to work. 
> > > Is there any way to change all permissions back to their default?  I
> > > don't know if the CD Player is a permissions problem though.  mp3's
> > > play fine and the system sounds play fine so I'm not sure what's wrong.

I know this is pretty basic but have you checked to see if the cable between 
the cdrom and the soundcard is secure and in place?? 

Mike Mattix

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