this will shock everyone, but Tom seems to be right   =)
*amazed silence*
actually, Tom is about 99% right.... but
when i installed linux first i had 60M ram and made a swap of 500M
(i have disk space to burn)
the swap was used somewhat....
i recently added 128M ram, and linux hasn't touched my swap space since then.
i have not seen my swap used, at all, ever....  since adding the 128M

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

>>> Tom Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 8:29:46 AM 12/13/00 >>>
On Wednesday 13 December 2000 05:56 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi Guys and Gals,
> I was wondering how to mount a new Swap partion.
> When I originally did my install of Mandrake I made the swap 128meg,
> and it should be at least double that (my physical memory is 128meg).

.   I suspect you've bought into the mistaken and _very outdated_ 
notion that swap should be 2 times ram.  128mb /swap should be more 
than enough with 128mb of ram.

   If you install another 128mb of ram, you prob'ly wouldn't even need 
a /swap.  Ram is a far far better solution than swap, particularly with 
Linux. So if you have some uniquely high memory requirements, I'd 
strongly suggest you add more ram than try to add or enlarge your /swap.
   'Specially at today's prices ;)
Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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