Try a different mixer, like aumix (console-only).

Can you upgrade to 7.2 final by downloading it (get the ISOs or use 
MandrakeUpdate) or buying a CD from a Linux store (either online or offline)? 
If you can do without a big shiny box and a manual (there's plenty of 
documentation on the CD and on the Internet), you can get a copy of 7.2 
*very* cheaply. And it's legal too! Man I love GPL!

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 06:30, bobby dowling wrote:
> I am using 7.2 beta 2, b/c I had to give up my cable modem until I move and
> I am too po to buy the release until I start work (graduating from Texas
> A&M, btw!!!!!!!!).
> I try to use different mixer apps like 'gmix', but I get "No mixers found"
> and that I should make sure that I have sound support compiled into the
> kernel.  BTW, all sound works fine (mp3, wav, cd's, etc ...).
> I tried to chmod /dev/mixer just for kicks, but no good.
> Any ideas or do I just have to wait until I start work? : )
> Thanks!
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Sridhar Dhanapalan.
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