Or, if putting the bulk of the OS within the first 8 gig is not an option,
put a 20 meg partition at the very front of the HD and run the
installation discs...lilo will automatically be installed there...



Registered Linux user #190719

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Andrew Brown wrote:

> Easy, install Mandrake so that the boot partition is well within the first
> 8 gigs off your harddrive. My situation with my 19 gig drives is
> first 6 gigs win2k
> next 3 gis mandrake
> last 10 gigs windows(media partition)
> > Hello,
> >
> > I bought Linux Mandrake 7.0 months ago, and now I'm reading up
> > trying to figure out how to use it.  I've look at the documentation on
> > the Mandrake page, the Instillation How-To, the Win95+Linux How-
> > To, and a few others.  Some of them mention that with some
> > distributions of Linux, on some computers, bootable partitions
> > must completely reside below the 1024th cylinder.
> >
> > How do I know if I need to have my Linux boot partition below the
> > 1024th cylinder when partitioning my drive?  I bought Partition
> > Magic to help with the partitioning.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jake
> >
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