Mark Weaver wrote:
> Hi list.
> Something  strange happened to me today here at work. I had received an
> attachment from someone. It was an MS Powerpoint file. On a lark I decided to
> attempt and open the file with Star Office. I was curious, so sue me!
> Anyway, things didn't go well. X crashed and "something" happened that ate up
> ALL the remaining available space on my /home partition. I've checked and
> rechecked and checked again and for the life of me I can't find or figure out
> what in the world is going on or what is being written to that is causeing
> this. It's very bizzare. What in the world could have happened and what can I
> do to regain the space on my HDD? Before this happened the partition was only
> at 26% used. It is now at 86% and that is after I got rid of a bunch of junk
> files that I know I didn't need.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Mark
> ..Wisdom begins when the mouth is closed and
>         the palms are turned upward.
ext2 bug
It doesn't resize well.
So a directory will bloat gut not beacome small again!
So copy all your files from /home/yourhome i.e cp /home/yourhome/*
I create a directory in / called backup (mkdir /backup)
now recreate all your directories in home and selectively copy the files
Plz let me know how it went
Just remember to delete /backup afterwards or /partition will run uot of



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