I just installed 7.2 from CDROM, and that all went fine,
reading every thing from the CD set.

However after I reboot the CD drive no longer functions.

I get messages like "Don't have permission" even when I'm
logged in as root.  Or some long line about "bad FS, bad
super mount ... on /dev/hdc" error '32'.

As the boot messages scroll by I see /dev/hdc SONY CRX-140E. 
So at some level some thing in the system knows a drive is
out there, and it has identified the drive correctly.

It seems like some thing in /etc/fstab is wrong, but I don't
know how to fix it, nothing I've tried has fixed it.

This is a IDE R/W drive, as master, but right now I'm only interested in
getting the system up and running, where Read Only usage
would be fine.

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