It didn't get me any closer unfortunately.  It showed setup for an 1800
XL181 (mine is a 1200 XL118).  I have talked with Compaq, and searched the
Trident Site but have gotten no closer using those resources also.
I have cycled through a bunch of the settings in xf86config, switching one
setting at a time, but its really slow, especially since I don't have any
idea how the settings are created (precluding me opening the file in a text
editor and changing the settings through it).  So the hard way it is.
The problem appears that the refresh rate is incorrect.  I am using a
Verticle refresh of 66-100 (from the Trident Page) and trying the 3D drivers
for Trident Cards (from Compaq info) and then cycling through the different
monitor types, which works out to about 30 combinations, if I don't change
anything else (I've gotten through about 10 combinations so far (I had to
get back to work).  So if anyone has some ideas please let me know.
BTW, Ingo Bauer thanks for the response...  still searching for a clear


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