On Friday 29 December 2000 12:00 am, you wrote:

I thought I was seeing triples.  Glad it wasnt just me and my imaginations.  
there were a time where I was getting sixles.  just lately like today I've 
only been getting one per and just for today.   who knows, we may be getting 
20 per (hope to god we dont.  lol)


> Hi Marcia
> > Dear All, I have been getting 3 or more of some emails. What is causing
> > that?
> > Marcia
> To my understanding there could be a number of possibilties. Most likely
> being a glitch in the mail server of either the sender or the list. Or if
> one has a web based email account, then clicking on the send button
> sometimes seems to have no effect, so it gets clicked a few times. The
> sender often doesn't realise it's been sent the 1st click as nothing seems
> to happen their end at times
> James

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