I have resently installed mandrake coporate server 1.0 on a petium 100 with
48 megs of ram and a 2.1 gig hard drive...
It installed fine. and its main purpose is to be a mail, samba and web
server for a university residencs server with internet connection.

the appache web server that came installed is supposed to come with the
frontpage 2000 patch so that I can install the frontpage server extensions
which I have already downloaded from microsoft.  

Does anyone know how to get the server extensions fully installed and
running 100%.

I also have a problem installing SSH with I got from one of the crypto  ftp
site on the mandrake web site.. 
it wants a dependency crypto.so.1 file which I cannot find..

The server has 2 network cards for now. to help seperate the LAN into
segments. I got routing working and samba. But the machines on seperate
subnets are unable to see each other on the same workgroup. 

How do I get this working. WINS has something to do with it..but could
somebody explain what I should do to get it to work..

Our old server before had redhat 5 on it which seemed VERY vulnerble to
hackers because was not updated regularly.. and I want to stop this now. 
So I hope installing Mandrake corporate server was the right move.. 

Jaques le Roux


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