On Sun, 31 Dec 2000, Jeffrey Norris wrote:

>I just reinstalled 7.2 (actually a couple of times) and now when I boot I'm
>getting all of these different entries in the loader. Such as 'oldwindows',
>'oldlinux' etc. I have reinstalled before and didn't get all of that. Is
>there a way to rewrite the boot record so that it is as it was before ?
>Without risking the C: drive access...still have my finances in Windows.

These things are remainders from all your installs. Entries in grub's
menu.lst or lilo.conf.
Has nothing to do with the bootrecord of your harddisk :)

Perhaps with the other reinstalls you also formatted the partitions, and
now you did not do that?


Veni, Vidi, Vi

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
             Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.31

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