DAMN! I even try filtering this stinking thread out and it just won't GO AWAY!

Ok...I know this is going to come as a shock to some, but THIS is a LINUX 
forum and NOT a WINDOWS forum. Can we PLEASE discuss our windows 
elsewhere?      Please??

On Saturday 30 December 2000 10:03, you wrote:
> HP are bad. I have a computer of theirs here.
> It wont format for windows. Ever. I have to use their utility to format it.
> Their sound card is a custom board which only works on their motherboard.
> They dont supply drivers. The drivers come preinstalled so when I wanted to
> upgrade to windows 98 I has to get a new card.
> Ditto for the video card
> It came with a cd rom. The cd-rom had been rewired so it could not be
> replaced except with a hp cdrom. I had to rewire half the motherboard to
> make mine work.
> Modem is a winmodem.
> There are bits missing from the motherboard. uarts, cooling fan is
> undersized, no reset button. Cheap.
> On Thu, 28 Dec 2000, you wrote:
> > Does HP make their own printer drivers as well?
> >
> > If I had the e mail address I would
> > e mail them and tell them they need
> > to write linux drivers for their mice
> >
> > On Tue, 26 Dec 2000, Anthony Daniell wrote:
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: David Raleigh Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2000 5:17 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
> > >
> > >
> > >  I am locked into bad mouse support by 2-button mouse users. Linux
> > > mouse support is hardly configurable at all. I have seen the sawfish
> > > mouse dialog. Ridiculous.
> > >
> > > Very true indeed. Kde should build a special mouse driver for mice that
> > > have a scrol wheel and side buttons. Mine has four buttons and a scroll
> > > wheel. And the people who make the mice should write software for linux
> > > also. After all there are a lot of people using linux today.
> > >
> > > I feel that if every one using linux sent email to the logitech company
> > > asking for drivers/software for there products then they might do
> > > something about it. i just bought a new printer, a lexmark Z32 because
> > > they have drivers for linux. And the Z52 has drivers for linux also.
> > >
> > > My mouse is a ms intelli mouse explorer and whith the software for
> > > windoze I can get the buttons to do what ever I want them to do, and I
> > > can change the icons as well. But I bought it because it does not have
> > > a ball in it and can use it as either ps2 or usb.
> > >
> > > I also feel that linux should have surport for IDE CD Burners, not just
> > > SCSI.
> > >
> > > Regards Anthony Daniell


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