On Wednesday 03 January 2001 00:21, you wrote:
> All I have now is 33 rpm files in a dir and I have no idea what
> to do next.. when I try to unpack a file it says it can't because
> it depends on another file.. I'm really confused here :)
> -Johan-

You may need to go through clearing out the conflicts on the previous version 
files with rpm -e--you need to be root, and logged into your directory of rpm 
files to make the following instructions work.  I suggest starting up in 
Graphic mode in IceWM and opening a terminal (DON'T do this in KDE)

first get a report with

rpm -Uvh *.rpm

There is a dependency of one package on a library not included (libkscan)--use

rpm --nodeps filename

to get that one in.
For the packages showing conflict, build a list of installed packages 
conflicting with

rpm -q (just the beginning of the filename showing the conflict up to the 
first -)

rpm -e (the filename reported back)

to delete the old

rmp -ivh filename.rpm to install the new

and then move the file out of the directory  

When you are past the conflicts, do all the packages you have left with

rpm -F *.rpm

while you are logged in as root to that directory

Then, still logged in as root, type these three commands and go for coffee 
(don't wait for the first command to finish)

rpm --rebuilddb
update-menus -v

When you return in 30 minutes or so, type one carriage return, log out and 
log in as a user with KDE.  You should have 2.1 running--you may need to log 
in twice to make everything work.


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